Welcome to Buckeye Family Healthcare!
A few notes to get you off to a good start with us:
1.) New patients, prospective new patients:
-- Transfer care: simply stop in at the office, or at your current physician's office, and ask for your records to be transferred;
-- Schedule your first appointment: you may schedule your appointment before records are received; if you have an illness or urgent need before your first scheduled visit, you will still be able to be seen for that problem... it will usually be a 10-minute acute appointment, so we will stick to the urgent issue that day and address the rest at your intake visit.
-- Registration: we will register you before your intake visit.... you may register online, through our Secure Patient Portal (https://app.elationpassport.com/passport/login/) , or by calling to register at 330-601-0999
2.) What do I need for appointments?
-- Photo ID (first visit only)
-- Insurance card (even if we already have it, we have to confirm your coverage each time)
-- Co-pay (we accept all Visa, Mastercard, CareCredit, cash or check)
** insurance companies require us to collect the co-pay... in some ways, they use that to offset costs; in other ways, it can be seen as an incentive to NOT over-use physician services;
3.) What if I don't have insurance?
-- We are happy to take care of you, even if you don't have insurance... we recognize that the premiums and deductibles demanded by most insurances are more than many people can pay, especially if they don't qualify for a subsidy. Talk to our staff about payment options -- if you are able to pay on the day of your visit, you may be eligible for a significant discount.
More to come --- we are just starting to really use the Website, so stand by for more blogs, more detailed practice information, and a photo gallery from our grounds.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or just need to vent -- click the "Contact" button above and send me an e-mail message!!
Remember, e-mail messages are not "HIPAA" secure, so don't put anything in the message that requires encryption to protect (social security number, personal health information you want kept secure, etc)
~Thank you for choosing Buckeye Family Healthcare for your healthcare needs~